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Applications of Calcined Anthracite Particle Size

The fastest-growing market in the forecast is anthracite, which is used widely for heaters that are used to make steel. The calcination process is carried out at temperatures above 1200degC using an electric or gas furnace, which reduces the volatile, moisture and sulfur contents to less than 2 %. Anthracite calcined coal is as good in terms of grain stability and physical properties as graphite.

Moreover, the electrical conductivity of anthracite is much greater than that of petroleum coke or any other type of coal. It is therefore ideal for use in electric-arc furnaces. For anthracite to perform better, some manufacturers calcine the coal at higher temperatures (2250degC+) and use larger particles. The electrodes are more stable and have a smaller coefficient of thermal extension (CTE).

Electrically calcined alumina is also widely used to produce cathode bricks, carbon blocks, and carbon paste. Anthracite is used as a carburizing material in metal smelting because of its low sulfur and phosphorus content.

It is commonly used as a filter media in water treatment. This includes industrial, municipal, and residential water treatments. It can remove contaminants like heavy metals from drinking and waste water. It can also improve the effectiveness of filters and increase the time in between backwashes, reducing operational costs.

This type of anthracite also works well to eliminate bacteria and viruses from water. The anthracite can also remove toxic substances like lead, mercury and pesticides. It can also be used to filter water in a variety of different ways, such as ion exchange systems, filtration pool and reverse osmosis.

Pulverized coal is also used as part of the PCI system in blast ovens. This will help reduce the cost for steel production by reducing the use of expensive metallurgical kiln coke, and improve the life of the coal oven. It can also be used in sugar refineries, petroleum refineries and paper mills to filter their products.

Segmentation of the global anthracite calcined market is possible by type, region and application. On the basis of type, they can be classified into electric arc furnaces and pulverized-coal injection (blast ovens). In 2020, the electricity arc-furnace segment accounted for the majority of the market. It is used in steelmaking to replace the high-cost metallurgical kiln coke, and to reduce the melting temperature of anthracite. It is also used in the aluminum smelting process to reduce energy consumption.

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