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Calcined Petroleum Coke Vs Green Petroleum Coke

The green petroleum coke that is produced during delayed coking of crude oil to liquid fuels like gasoline or jet fuel, such as jet fuel and gasoline. Quality of the coke will determine its application. Low sulfur, low-impurity coke can be used as solid fuel because it has a high BTU.

Calcined petroleum coke is a high-purity carbon material produced by heating green coke to drive off moisture and volatile matter and to increase its electrical conductivity. Calcined petcoke accounts for about 80% market share in global terms. Steel and chemicals are the other 20%.

The demand for calcined coke has increased rapidly in Asia Pacific due to construction undertakings across the region driven by rapid urbanization and expanding population. Moreover the stable growth of the economy and increasing demand for oil in Asia-Pacific is driving up the price of refined petroleum. This in turn is driving the demand for petroleum coke and calcined coke.


In order to replace coal, power stations consume a considerable share of calcined koke. It is a result of the high content in carbon, low ash and low sulfur. It is then burned to create steam and heat water in a large boiler. This reduces energy costs for the facility.

In the aluminum smelting industry, calcined coke is primarily used for producing carbon anodes in the Hall-Heroult aluminum smelting process. It is important that the calcined-coke be available and have low impurities. The success in the production of carbon anodes is dependent upon the quality of the coke.

Aminco understands the operating issues affecting the performance of our customers' smelters and can provide the appropriate coke to meet their requirements. The coke we source is of the highest quality and has been produced using traditional rotary ovens and shaft-calciners. It also features unique characteristics in terms of bulk density, porosity, and other properties. We are also experienced with blending different types of coke in order to meet smelter specific requirements and reduce the net consumption of carbon anode raw material.

Limited supply of GPC low in sulfur has caused a wide price gap between lower S Category A cokes and higher S Category D. In recent years, this differential was a significant factor that contributed to both category's record high price. RBM HoldWash HD works well in the bulk carrier's holds, especially when dealing with coke that has been calcined. This product can remove any residual hydrocarbon particles.

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