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ECA for Carbon Block Manufacturing

The carbon block filter is an efficient filtration method for many applications. Carbon block filters come in many shapes, sizes and capacities to fit a range of water-quality concerns. Carbon block filters come in two styles: extruded and compression-molded.

Carbon is combined with a thermoplastic binder during the manufacturing process to create the block. It is important to blend the materials in order to achieve the desired performance. A good manufacturing process always includes testing for extractables and verification of all critical performance characteristics prior to production of the finished product. The carbon block material will then be molded or extruded in fixed molds or dies, to create the desired size block. The blocks will then be cooled down, removed from molds or dummies, and trimmed into the desired dimensions.

Raw materials that are used to manufacture carbon blocks can be recycled from industrial waste streams like wood chips, nut shells, cigarette butts. Raw carbon can also be obtained from bituminous coke. Bituminous Coal is a renewable and inexpensive resource that can produce highly effective carbon to be used in water filters.

Granular activated coal (GAC), although effective for aesthetic contaminants (such as taste and scent), is less effective than other chemicals, such a lead and volatile organic chemical (VOC). The uniform pore structure of carbon block and the ability to create much smaller particles than GAC allows for significantly increased contact time between the water and the carbon, providing greater contaminant reduction.

Because they are small and reusable, carbon blocks filters offer a significant advantage in terms of cost over GAC for many water filtering applications. The compact design makes it easier to integrate them into water systems and is highly resistant to bacterial growth.

The most important design criteria for a carbon block is the target capacity of the filter, which is generally measured in gallons or liters of water that can be filtered in a given period of time at a specified operating pressure. A good manufacturer works with the customer to determine and understand their application needs.

The design of the carbon block filter will determine whether it is designed to be placed in a prefilter device or used as an end-filter. The filter housing should be able to handle the desired pressure and flow rate. An inner wrap is also necessary to prevent the carbon fines from escaping the filtered water. In addition, a good manufacturing process includes end caps on the two ends of the cartridge that ensure a snug fit in the filtration housing. They also seal the cartridge.

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