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Government Regulations on Calcined Petroleum Coke Production

To reduce pollution, the government wants to tighten regulations for calcined coke. In addition to more stringent standards on air quality, new regulations for calcined oil coke factories will also require greater capital investment. These regulations will also require more monitoring and inspections for plant operations. This will help protect the environment and the public health and will save money for consumers.

Calcined oil coke, or CPC, is a carbon-rich material with multiple applications in the aluminium, steel, and concrete industries. This material is an alternative fuel to fossil fuels, and it emits less greenhouse gases. CPC can be used as a substitute for traditional fuels like coal.

There are several factors that drive the growth of calcined petcoke market, including increasing demand for coal replacement in electric arc and induction furnaces, increase in manufacturing and construction activities, favorable government initiatives regarding energy conservation and sustainability, and growth in oil refinery capacity worldwide. By 2025 the calcined coke market is predicted to grow from $10 billion.


Oxbow's coke is recarburized by steel and used as an aluminum precursor. It can also be used to make titanium dioxide pigment, an important pigment found in sunscreens for skin, plastics and paints.

The calcined petroleum coke market is growing at a fast pace in Asia Pacific, mainly because of the increased manufacturing and construction activities due to various government initiatives like 100 Smart Cities and Housing for All by 2022 in the region. The demand for CPC is also boosted by the increasing industrialization of China.

CPC's market price declined in Europe during Q3 2022. Prices dropped between the month. In Q3 of 2022, the CPC market in Europe experienced a modest price decline with a small drop between months.

Prices are expected to be higher than the previous year despite this due to maintenance on smelters. A rise in industrial output during winter is expected to boost the demand for CPC.

Needle Coke segment, Shot Coke segment, Sponge Coke segment, and Honeycomb Coke segment are all types of calcined oil coke. This segment is a major player in the market as anode coke is used by steel and metal industries to produce electrodes. Fuel grade coke has a lower share, because it's used to replace coal in electric-arc furnaces and induction heaters. There are two other market segments: by geography and by application. Aluminum is the biggest user of calcined coke. Steel industry follows. Other uses for calcined petrol coke are fuel, asphalt bricks and paints. The market for calcined petrol coke will grow rapidly during the forecasted period.

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