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Calcined Coal Properties and Reactivity

The process of calcination is a heat treatment that transforms impurities in solid carbon to improve conductivity and form graphite like structures. The process can be carried out using electric or gas-fired calciners, rotary furnaces and retorts. You can use it in power stations and in the metallurgy industry. The quality of calcined coal depends on the chemical composition and physical properties of raw materials, the temperature and duration of heating, the degree of calcination and the method of cooling. Also, the stability and mechanical properties of calcined charcoal are closely related to their structure and microstructure.

Anthracite is a type of hard coal with high fixed carbon content, low moisture, volatile and sulfur contents and good density. The coal has a number of advantages over other types, such as high electrical and thermal conductivity, a low melting temperature, and an excellent resistance to oxygen. It is commonly used as a special fuel and in the production of molten metals, particularly in steel metallurgy. In the calcining stage, moisture and volatile materials are removed from the anthracite.

In this study, fluidized bed suspensions were used to calcinate kaolin of the coal series at a variety of temperatures. It was found that the higher temperature led to higher reactivity. Metakaolin was the main cause of the high reactivity. This is made up of kaolinite and silica. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the calcined product differed significantly from those of the raw material. The kaolinite diffraction peaks decreased, and the peaks of muscovite and illite became amorphous. Aluminum leaching rate was also reduced with a higher calcination temperature, which was due to the transformation of meta-kaolinite into mullite.

Aluminium fluoride (AlF33H2O) was used to improve the reactivity and oil absorption of calcined kaolin. Using scanning electron microscopy and particle size distribution as well as X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and diffraction, the effect of AlF33H2O was investigated on the morphology of CCSK and its phase composition. We also investigated the effect of calcination temperatures on the crystallinity and reactivity of CCSK.

These results showed that calcined alumina coke, which has a low moisture and sulfur content and is highly reactive, can have a positive impact on the content of carbon in processes such as ductile foundry or steel melting. It also improves the mechanical characteristics of slag by reducing its viscosity. In this way, anthracite is ideal for producing special fuels. The calcining anthracite is one of the major applications for calcination.

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