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High Carbon Additive

The high-carbon additive (HCA) is a substance that raises the level of carbon in both iron and steel. It's a crucial auxiliary for the melting of iron in an induction oven. The primary materials used in carbon raising include electrode block, silicon carbide and graphite. Carbon additives may also be added to steel brands as recarburizers in order to make up for lost carbon during the smelting or adjusting the carbon content.

In a DC-electric calciner, carbon additives are produced by calcining cheap and plentiful anthracite. The additives are used by many different industries including metallurgy, electricity and machinery. It is common to classify them according to carbon content, sulfur and ash contents. The best carbon additive is made from natural graphite. It can also be made with calcined or petroleum-coke. Graphite-based carbon additives offer low sulfur levels, low nitrogen, and little phosphorus. They also have good electrical conductivity.

Until recently, the application of carbon-based additives was limited by the availability of appropriate raw materials. In recent years, industrial processes that produce high-quality carbon base additives have been developed. This has led to a dramatic increase in their application. The most common applications are in the field of conductive composites, where the addition of carbon provides superior performance and cost-efficiency compared to traditional metallic alloying additives.

GKN Additive Materials is developing a new method of synthesis for carbon-based additives that will enable production in high quantities and at low cost. The approach involves a low-alloy powder that can be used for the production of components with better mechanical properties. In addition, this technology is suitable for producing carbon-fibre reinforced 3D printed parts.

In dry sliding, we investigated the tribological properties of high carbon martensitic (HCMSS), which has been processed using EBM. The microstructural characteristics were characterised by SEM, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results indicated that the HCMSS-EBM processed wear was driven by V-rich carbide networks, matrix fractures and oxidation.

They found that the HCMSS performed optimally when combined with an onion-like carbon which can be homogeneously distributed within the Sb matrix. The carbon-based additives' performance was also found to be dependent on their ability to increase the interplay between the Sb and carbon bonds. The mechanism relied on the atomic mobile of the carbon particle, which was determined by its size and shapes. Authors suggest that optimal tribological performances of such materials could be utilized in friction reduction or joule heating applications.

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