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Carbon Raiser for Steel Production

A carbon raising material, which is used at high temperature for the carburization process of cast iron and steel. It can reduce the cost of steelmaking by replacing the traditional carburant. In oxygen converters and electrosmelting, it is typically used for low-cast iron steel.

This high-purity carbon is produced by calcining petroleum coke between 2500 and 3500degC. This carbon material is ideal for metallurgy, steelmaking and cast iron because of its high fixed content and low sulfur. In metallurgy it is used to foam slag, for coal graphite and for filler in graphite reinforced plastic. The material is also used as an important raw materials for melting iron in induction-furnaces. It is capable of improving the carbon content, accelerating the de-slagging process, and decreasing the oxidation.

As well as steel smelting and casting, the carbon raiser also can be used by ductile ironfoundries. By increasing the carbon content in molten iron, it can reduce impurities, thereby lowering casting costs. The use of scrap steel can be increased significantly in ductile cast iron. Pig iron consumption is reduced or eliminated altogether. Recarburizers can be substituted with this technology to reduce the costs associated with steelmaking.

Carbon raisers are available in many types. These can be categorized into three different categories: calcined petrol-coke carbon riser, graphite gasoline coke raiser and gas-calcined athanacite raiser. This is the most popular type and can be directly melted in an electric oven. Carbon content can go up to 99.5% and has low sulfur, ash, and other elements. The ductile metal is of excellent quality.

The grafite petroleum coke carbon raiser is made by grinding petroleum coke powder and then adding graphitizing agents. The steelmaking industry prefers it for its very high fixed content of carbon and rapid melting speed. The anthracite carbon raiser is made from gas calcined coal and has a lower sulfur, ash content, and nitrogen. It can be used in top-blown converters steel making, with a grain size between 1-3mm.

It's important that you use carbon raisers in small amounts and only at the right times. This helps to prevent the formation of excessive oxidation, which can lead to insignificant recarburization effects and poor casting performance. It is important to stir the liquid steel at all times when adding the carbon raising agents. It will help the carbon raisers to reach their intended targets in the steel. This is particularly important when smelting pig iron. This prevents the formation of slag, and will enhance the quality. In addition, it is crucial to select the appropriate type of carbon additive based on the purpose of the application.

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