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Graphite Electrode Production

It is necessary to follow a number of steps in order to produce graphite electrodes. Included are mixing, doughing, shaping, baking and graphitization. It is an important part of the steelmaking process. Graphite electrodes are used by electric arc furnaces (EAF) to melt and shape the metal using high voltage at low current. They are also used as a consumable in the manufacturing of non-ferrous and specialty metals. They are used to produce quality, high-performance steels for a range of applications, including construction, automotive and infrastructure industries.

Graphite is produced using two types of carbonaceous raw materials: petroleum coke and needle coke. Both are produced by the coke making process. It is made from the carbon tar that is created when coal is turned into liquid fuel. However, petroleum-based coil coke can be produced by oil refining. These materials have to be produced at certain temperatures under specific conditions in order to achieve the desired properties.

After the initial calcining process, the raw embryo is then subjected to a series of heating and cooling cycles that help improve its mechanical strength and chemical resistance. It is then impregnated, according to technology requirements for the process to increase its graphite contents. This mixture is reroasted in order to improve performance. The graphitization is then performed, where the carbon atoms re-arrange themselves to create a crystal structure.

Graphite Electrodes must be tested to determine if they are up to the standards. These tests can include measuring the thermal shock resistance of the graphite electrode and determining its electrical conductivity. In addition, the electrodes are tested for their structural integrity. The production of graphite electrodes is a complicated process that demands specialized tools and trained workers.

Many companies involved in the manufacture of graphite electrodes are focusing on mergers and acquisitions to expand their market share. For example, Showa Denko acquired SGL GE Holding in 2018 and SGL Carbon in 2020 to boost its presence in the industry. These efforts are expected to drive growth in the global graphite electrodes market.

Apart from mergers and acquirements, major players in graphite electrodes market concentrate on their R&D to upgrade and improve products. Showa Denko has introduced, in 2020, a grade of graphite electrodes with increased thermal shock resistance.

In the next few decades, the Graphite Electrode Industry is likely to grow significantly due to the increasing demand for steel across various industries. Steel demand is driven primarily by construction, automobile and infrastructure sectors. As a result of this, it is anticipated that the graphite electrodes market will increase at a rate CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 7.45% in the period to be forecast.

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