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Calcined Petroleum Coke Production and COVID-19 Impact

The lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted calcined petroleum coke production. After the COVID-19 pandemic, it is anticipated that normal operations will resume.

This process can produce gaseous or particulate matter (PM) that is hazardous to health. This risk characterization assessed ambient air pollutant levels at locations near and far from the calciner facility.


The majority of calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC), produced in the United States today, is manufactured using shaft- or rotary-kiln technologies. GPC is heated up to high temperature in order for it to be calcined into CPC.

A small portion of this calcined coke is used to develop anodes for the aluminum, steel and titanium smelting industry. Testing the VM contents of the raw material is crucial before calcining.

In addition to asphalts and chemicals, calcined carbon is used as a fuel for energy-intensive industrial processes. You can use it as fuel in industrial processes requiring a high level of energy. When calcined coke is burned, it produces sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, which can be a major source of acid rain. For this reason, emissions control is used by calciners to reduce these pollutants. These emissions should be well below the public exposure limits when properly operated.

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It is used to produce a wide range of products. In some industries, it is used as fuel. It can also be made into a variety of industrial products such as paint, bricks, glass, and fertilizers.

It's also important in the aluminium industry, especially for the Hall-Heroult processing. Calcined oil coke (CPC), due to low impurity and easy availability, is used as a component for carbon anodes in the aluminum sector.

CPC is made by calcining raw petroleum coke at high temperature in a rotating kiln. The process of calcination reduces the porosity of the coke and increases its density. The CPC is also dried and desiccated, resulting in a molecular rearrangement which makes it more electrically conductive. This property is important for aluminum smelting.

Waste heat energy recovery is used by many rotary kilns to make use of the hot flue gas generated during the calcination. It can then be used for powering the rotary Kiln or other plant equipment.


It is an important part of aluminum and steel production. Heat is used to evaporate volatile matter from green petroleum coal. This fuel is also used for industrial boilers, cement manufacturing and in the production of cement.

In general, anode grade coke contains more vanadium than fuel grade. In boilers retrofitted with petcoke, it is more cost-effective than natural gas or coke.

The massive inclined cylinder of a typical CPC rotary kiln is lined with refractory blocks. It rises up and rotates while it heats. Waste heat is used to create steam from the calcining.

Oil refineries that process heavy crude oils tend to produce more resid and a greater volume of GPC than those that run lighter crude blends. GPC is produced in different qualities depending on crude type and the calcining procedure. Independent calciners blend GPCs of different qualities to meet the anode specification for S,V and Ni.

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The calcining process generates air pollutants that can have adverse effects on human health. Studies suggest that exposure to petcoke-fine particulates increases the risk of developing chronic obstructive pneumonia in workers at coke ovens. However, the findings may be distorted by other exposures industrial to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

CPC (Calcined Petroleum Coke) is a critical ingredient of the Hall-Heroult Aluminum Smelting Process. Because it is low in purity and available for a reasonable price, carbon anodes can be made.

CPC's quality can vary between sources and processes of calcining. More smelters blend CPC from different suppliers in order to reduce supply risk. In addition, tightening sulfur limits are driving more smelters to add SO2 scrubbing technologies. Smelters that use rotary and shaft calcined coke must also carefully balance their CPC blends to maximize the anode paste performance of the plant.

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