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Calcined Petroleum Coke in the Automotive Industry

In order to improve the qualities of intermediate grade needle coke and make it appropriate for several uses, major industry participants are creating novel manufacturing procedures. The technological innovations support the growth of the calcined petrol coke industry by refining processes and increasing applications.

The aluminum industry is one of the main consumers of calcined petroleum coke. It's used in aluminum smelting as a form of carbon.

Carbon reduction

Carbon dioxide emissions caused by burning fossil fuels have been a major concern for the global economy. It is possible to lower these emissions using calcined Petroleum Coke instead of coal in cement kilns. Additionally, calcined petroleum coke has a higher calorific value than coal and can provide more energy at a lower cost.

Oxbow’s calcined oil coke, in its majority, is used by the aluminum industry to calcine alumina. Other applications include steel industries and production of titanium dioxide. Megatrends like electromobility or additive manufacturing are expected to drive aluminum consumption.

Prices have reached historic heights due to the limited supply of category A GPC with low sulfur. The refineries tried to counter the increase in price by mixing cheaper crude oils with API gravity and higher S levels. This, however, hasn't been enough to keep refineries within their sulfur and volume specifications.

Reduced Emissions

The calcination process reduces the emissions caused by the combustion of petroleum coke. The carbon in calcined oil coke makes it a great source for metals and other chemicals. As an example, it can be used to make aluminum. The energy requirements for this process are reduced.

The calcined petroleum is also a good substitute for coal to make steel. Saving money can be achieved by reducing pollution.

By product type, region, and application, the global calcined petrol coke market can be segmented. The calcined petrol coke market can be divided by product type into Needle Coke, Sponge Coke. Needle Coke will grow the fastest over the forecast period.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

In recent years, construction activity and increased investments in refineries and oil fields have led to a steady growth of the global calcined Petroleum Coke market. Steel production is increasing, and this has also increased demand for calcined petrol coke.

In the production of steel in an electric arc furnace, calcined petroleum coke is a good alternative to metallic coal. Also, it can be produced into anodes that are used in aluminum melting furnaces. The sponge-like texture allows the binding material to penetrate through coke and create a solid block of carbon from which aluminum melters can conduct electricity.

In the near future, the demand for Aluminum is projected to increase. There is fierce competition in this market and many players are creating novel manufacturing methods for intermediate grade needle coal. Some of the key players in this market include Oxbow Corporation, Aminco Resources LLC, Amritesh Industries Pvt. Ltd. Atha Group. Garcia Munte Energia SL. and Rain Industries Limited.

Durability increases

Market growth for global calcined coke can be attributed to the growing demand of aluminum in the automotive industry. The coke is used to generate electricity for heating cement kilns. Another important factor that drives the market is the escalating investment by large manufacturers.

Additionally, fuel grade petcoke can be used to replace metallurgical coal in the production of electric arc furnace steel. This will reduce the amount of emissions produced by the coke furnace battery, improving the overall performance of the facility.

However, alternative substitutes or technologies could affect the growth rate of the green and coked petroleum market. This newer technology is expected to offer more cost-effective, sustainable alternatives and reduce the demand for petroleum coke. Report includes an analysis of competitive landscape, products, business strategies and revenue models for the major players on the global calcined coke market. Oxbow Corporation and Aluminum Bahrain are among the major players.

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