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Calcined Petroleum Coke Handling and Storage

This solid is produced by oil refinery coker or other cracking process. Petcoke has high heating values and its ash contents are typically below 10%. The coke is also hard and has particle sizes ranging from 0 to 100 mm. It contains a low amount of volatile matter. The high level of energy and its relative low levels in sulphur, nitrogen, and other elements make this fuel suitable for use by coal-fired electricity stations.

A large portion of the calcined petroleum coke market is for use in aluminum smelting as anode material due to its low impurity levels, ready availability and low cost. A growing amount is also used for other purposes, such as metallurgical coal and carbon anode, steel production, and titanium dioxide pigment manufacturing.

The calcination process involves heating the green coke to drive off volatile matter, moisture and impurities to yield a clean product. Typically, the calcination process is carried out at a temperature of 1250degC. Calcined coke is characterized by a high proportion of carbon fixed, low nitrogen and sulphur content and a lack of impurities. It is hard, brittle and has a granular to coarse texture.

Stored properly, the material is inert and does not burn or cause explosions. Its volatile matter and high sulphur make it inflammable without sulfur recovery units. Not only are the exhaust gases high in volatile and sulphur, they can also cause acid rain.

In the old days, coal was replaced by petcoke as fuel in boilers that burned coke because it has a greater calorific gross value. However, this practice is now prohibited in many jurisdictions because of the high levels of sulfur and volatile matter released when it burns. This can also lead to water pollution through the nickel and vanadium that is released.

Calcined coke is also a raw material for producing fertilizers because it has a high carbon concentration and low sulphur and nitro- gen contents. In the manufacture of fertilizers, it is usually mixed with urea-ammonium nitrate. Bricks and glass are also made from it because coal is more expensive.

As the global construction industry continues to grow, a larger proportion of the calcined coke market will continue to be consumed in Asia Pacific Region. This is primarily driven by the need to build new infrastructure and houses in these regions, which results in increased demand for coke. This trend is expected to continue as the region experiences rapid urbanization and population growth. The growing market for calcined oil coke in the region will also be fueled by the demand for minerals and metals. However, a significant factor limiting the growth of this market is environmental concerns related to the emissions from the calcining facility.

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