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Characterization of Contaminants and Risk Assessment of Exposures for Calcined Petroleum Coke Waste

Petroleum coke, also known as petcoke, is a bulk byproduct of oil refining that is used in various industrial applications including anode paste for aluminum production. Handling and storing petcoke may produce pollutants in the air, including particulates and gases. They can also have adverse health effects for humans, such as lung dysfunction.

The characterization of these contaminants and the risk assessment of these impacts are essential for safe petcoke management. The article describes an effort to determine the concentrations of pollutants present in ambient air near calcining plants and to assess their impact on humans.

Projects like this one were undertaken because of concerns about possible human exposure to the particulate and gaseous pollution generated during the calcination of petroleum coal. This project was undertaken in response to concerns about possible human exposures to particulate matter and gaseous pollutants generated by the calcining of petroleum coke. Bulk cargo residues will remain on deck or in the cargo holds after the discharge. These must be cleaned prior to loading new cargo. This process typically includes dry sweeping, application of a chemical cleaner and a high pressure water wash. After washing, the dirty water can be disposed at sea or sent to land-based facilities that will treat it.

This project involved testing the petcoke for heavy metals, and evaluating the effectiveness of several methods for removing these pollutants. It is essential to assess and optimize the combustion of coke as fuel by analyzing its kinetics. Characterizing its thermal stability is helpful in this regard. In order to evaluate the thermal kinetics of a material, a combination solid state reactions models (such as Coats Redfern or Kennedy Clark) and combustion indices CCI DI DB are used.

Calcinating petroleum coke is a crucial step for the production of aluminum by smelting alumina. PC's properties are essential for anode production. The PC must be able to resist corrosion and maintain its porosity and bulk density, while maintaining good conductivity. PCs must also have low sulfur content, as high levels may reduce their value as a source of fuel or lead to restrictions in the emission of sulfur dioxide. A number of methods have been developed for reducing the sulfur content of petcoke. They involve desorption or separation and removal organic sulfur from aromatic carbon. It is hoped that this research will help develop methods for reducing the sulfur content of petcoke. The information will improve the quality of anode powder produced by the smelters. The result will be a higher level of productivity, and a better utilization of the valuable raw material. It will then benefit Indonesia’s economy. A reduction in sulfur emissions will also improve the quality of life for Indonesians and their environment.

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