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Calcined Petroleum Coke Manufacturing Companies

Businesses that offer calcined oil coke production services create the carbon-based materials that are of top quality, which are utilized in many industrial uses. The companies produce different grades such as sponge coke as well as honeycomb, also known as needle coke. Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is produced from coal by an process known as "calcining." CPC can use in electrolytic aluminium production since it's made calcined. CPC is used as well in coatings, paints and bricks, and glass.

In the world, demand for calcined coal is increasing, mainly due to growth in steel manufacturing and the manufacture of graphite electrodes. These are utilized for metal industry electronic arc ovens. CPC can also be used for power generation and to enhance the quality of cement. Global market growth is expected to be encouraged by favorable government initiatives relating to environmental issues.

Manufacturers of calcined petroleum coke make this product by placing top quality crude "green" petcoke in circular kilns, and then warming it up to temperatures ranging from 1200 to 1350degC (2192 to 2460degF). The heat evaporates the excess moisture, removes the all remaining hydrocarbons, then alters the crystalline composition of coke. This is suitable for various applications because the calcined product offers a higher bulk density. After cooling, the coke is able to be shipped in trucks, ships silos, railcars or trucks.

As well as producing premium calcined petroleum coke at a reasonable price, producers offer analyses and testing services. The services offered by manufacturers can ensure customers that the petcoke they are purchasing meets environmental and industry regulations. Tests can ensure that the metal carbon, sulfur, and concentrations are in line with acceptable levels in order to safeguard industrial equipment and the environment. The tests can reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and also reduce the amount of pollutants within the air.

Producers of calcined petroleum coal export their product to a vast range of countries around the globe. They typically offer the coke to makers of graphite electrodes, steel as well as foundries for cathodic protective purposes. They also provide foundry-related products, wear moderators the rubber and PTFE compounds reduction reagents, ceramic packing media, oxygen exclusion from molten materials, and manufactured carbon shapes. Most of these companies operate own calcination plant and others utilize third-party facilities to increase their capacities. Some calciners have SO2 scrubbing systems in place, while others are developing innovative technology. More smelters are using SO2 scrubber technology to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. As a result, the overall profit margin of the calcination business will likely to increase substantially in the next few times. This is particularly true for facilities that use SO2 scrubbers. Plants that do not face future challenges as they attempt to stay competitive. It is especially true for countries in Asia Pacific emerging markets, where infrastructure development has created a high requirement for CPC.

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