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Import and Export of Calcined Petroleum Coke

The import and export of calcined petroleum coke have registered a fall in value in 2016. See what smelters need.

The calcined petcoke is produced by delayed coking of residues from the crude oil distillation units of Oil Refineries. It is used as a fuel in power generation, cement production, steelmaking and in manufacture of carbon products like graphite electrodes.


Petroleum coke is a byproduct of the coker unit in an oil refinery. It is primarily used to make anodes for aluminum, titanium and steel smelting. Other uses include fuel for power plants and industrial boilers, carbon products, and a variety of chemicals.

Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is an important source of pulverized fuel for the smelter industry and other energy industries. In addition, CPC is also a raw material for a variety of carbon and chemical production processes.

CPC is a black-colored, solid material that consists mainly of carbon and sulfur. It also contains trace amounts of metals and nonvolatile inorganic compounds.

The calcining process of petcoke can result in particulate matter and gaseous emissions. These emissions can affect human health. This risk characterization evaluated the exposure concentrations of PM10 and other gases in ambient air at sites near the facility, and compared them to standards protective of public health. The modeled results show that exposure levels were, on average, below the standard.


Petroleum coke, also known as petcoke or coker, is the final carbon-rich solid product from oil refining. It can be used for a variety of applications, including in the production of carbon products like activated carbon and synthetic graphite. It can also be used as a filler in asphalt and as a component of bricks.

Coke calcination is a process that heats up green petcoke to remove volatile material and purify the coke. The resulting calcined petcoke is an important feedstock for aluminum and steel smelters. Aminco listens to the operating issues of each smelter and can tailor the right grade of calcined coke for their needs, whether they require low sulfur, low volatile coke (LVC) or high sulfur, high volatile coke (HV). Aminco’s rotary kiln and shaft calciner technology provide different porosity and bulk density profiles, so the company also blends the two types of coke for smelters that use both technologies. The resulting calcined coke is lower in SO2 and NOx than other available options.


Petroleum coke is a carbon byproduct of the oil refining process. It can be used as a fuel in electric power plants, in cement kilns, and in other industrial applications. It is also a source of carbon black for use in steelmaking and other chemical industries.

The unprocessed petcoke is known as "green coke." It has a high moisture and volatile matter content. It is heated in a rotary kiln to produce calcined coke, which has lower moisture and volatile matter content and a higher carbon content.

The calcining process generates some emissions, including SO2, NOx, and PM10. However, studies have shown that exposure levels at sites near a calciner are below public health standards. This is particularly true for facilities that use waste heat energy recovery systems to capture the thermal energy from combustion of calcined coke and other gases in the rotary kiln. These technologies significantly reduce the emis- sions from the facility and make it more environmentally friendly.


Petroleum coke is produced as a byproduct of oil refining and can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be combusted as fuel but this can cause environmental issues and is also less energy efficient than other sources of energy. Therefore, it is usually stockpiled in large quantities and converted to other forms of energy.

Calcined petroleum coke is widely used in aluminium smelting as carbon anodes for Hall-Heroult Aluminium smelting due to its low impurity levels and ready availability. The calcining process removes volatile materials and increases its electrical conductivity.

Another important application is in the production of titanium dioxide, which is used as a pigment in paints, plastics and sunscreens. This is made from calcined petcoke by gassing it to produce ammonia and urea ammonium nitrate. It is also used as a paper whitener. Its needle-like structure also makes it useful for friction and wear applications. It has a high fixed carbon content of more than 85% and its real density is 0.8-1.0 g/cm3. This is higher than that of coal.

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