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Non-Metallic Inclusions

Despite the progress made in inclusion control in recent decades, significant challenges remain. These include the clogging of the steel ladle by oxide and sulfide inclusions, and understanding their distribution characteristics.

Inclusions can move up the interface between liquid steel and slag due to thermal convection or forced stirring. This results in coalescence and agglomeration.


CaO is an odorless, colorless crystalline compound. It is the main component in quicklime (burnt lime) and has numerous industrial uses, including the production of cement and water treatment. It is also used in chemical reactions and in petroleum refining. It is a common ingredient in crayon markers and pencils, and it is used to tint the paper of printed documents.

It is moderately active as a flux in ceramic glaze melts and is especially important in earthenware glazes with lead, soda, or potash. It is important in reducing crazing and in increasing glossiness. It is often used in combination with magnesia in feldspar and wollastonite glaze bodies. This helps to avoid agglomeration and to control the flow of the glaze during firing.


Manganese dioxide is a common, low-cost elemental oxide that plays an important role in the chemistry of sediments and soils. It is also a major component of many Mn metal oxides and is an effective scavenger for heavy metals in groundwater systems.

Mn oxides form a diverse group of minerals that exhibit a range of structural arrangements. Most, however, fall into one of two groups: tunnel or layer structures. Tunnel Mn oxides, such as romanechite, are constructed from double and triple chains of edge-sharing MnO6 octahedra that link to produce large tunnels with rectangular cross sections. The tunnels are filled with cations and water molecules.

Layer Mn oxides, such as pyrolusite and hausmannite, consist of stacks of sheets (or layers) of edge-sharing octahedra. The layers alternate with layers of Zn cations and water molecules.


MnS is a trace essential element that is found naturally in food and water. It is a key component in iron and steel production and has many occupational and non-occupational uses. Exposure to Mn may increase the risk of lung disease, kidney disease and heart disease. It is also used in the production of batteries and fuel cells.

Mn S crystallises at the oxide particles during solidification of high carbon steels. This leads to the formation of rod-like phases in position 1 and a particle-like phase in position 2. The crystallisation is controlled by sulphur concentration and temperature.

In this study, the MnS crystallisation is observed in situ with a SEM-EDS microscope (Hitachi S-3400N and Bruker XFlash). The images and corresponding EDS maps are presented in Figures 5 and 6. The areas (mm2) of the initial liquid pool and MnS precipitation have been calculated from the derived SEM-EDS images.


C12A7 is an organic compound with a basic structure of 12 carbon nano-cages, two of which contain oxygen ions. If these oxygen ions are replaced with electrons, the material can be transformed from a ceramic insulator to a conductive electride with semiconducting or even metallic behavior. The control of the substitution of O2-ions by electrons is an important technological challenge.

To determine the purity of the amorphous C12A7 electrolyte, it was analyzed by using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The results confirmed that the amorphous C12A7 had low impurity levels. The amorphous C12A7 also had an excellent surface flatness, which makes it suitable for use in electronic devices. Moreover, the amorphous C12A7 exhibited a lower optical band gap than crystalline C12A7. The crystalline C12A7 exhibited a band gap of 5.9 eV, whereas the amorphous C12A7 sample had a band gap of 5.1 eV.


C3a is an inflammatory mediator produced in response to activation of the classical, alternate, or lectin complement pathways. It increases vascular permeability, is spasmogenic and chemotactic, and promotes the release of a variety of pharmacologically active mediators from various cell types. C3a is also a critical regulator of the innate immune response and inflammatory processes, such as gram-negative bacterial sepsis, trauma, ARDS, acute lung injury, dialysis-induced kidney disease (DKD), and several autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Despite its proinflammatory effects, C3a also functions as an anti-inflammatory mediator through its retention of neutrophils in the bone marrow. This evidence suggests that C3a should not be grouped with the proinflammatory anaphylatoxin C5a in terms of functional opposition. C3A dissolution and hydration product formation are important steps in Portland cement hydration. It reacts with water faster than C2S and produces more heat evolution during hydration, thereby imparting early strength to the Portland cement.

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