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Calcium Inclusions Control in Steelmaking

Non-metallic inclusions play a critical role in the quality of steel products. Their composition, size, and distribution depend on current smelting conditions. This is why the calcium treatment process is important.

It converts hard and solid (at steelmaking temperatures) dispersed oxide inclusions into liquid calcium aluminates and spinels. This allows for inclusion shape control.

Optimization of the calcium injection process

When calcium is added to liquid steel, it reacts with the inclusions and changes their composition. This is known as the inclusion modification process. However, the degree of inclusion modification depends on the amount of calcium and its method of addition.

In some cases, the calcium injection process can cause problems. For example, it can alter the morphology of inclusions and promote clogging in continuous casting. It also has the potential to reduce the quality of the steel produced. Fortunately, it is possible to optimize the calcium injection process in order to minimize these issues.

The best way to optimize the calcium injection process is by controlling the amount of oxygen in the molten steel. This is crucial for achieving a high standard of cleanliness. This can be accomplished by using gas analysis to monitor the oxygen content of the molten steel. It is also important to consider the temperature of the steel and the size of the inclusions.

Optimization of the ladle temperature

Steel ladles are large containers used to hold molten metal. They can be transported on wheels or a purpose-built ladle transfer car or slung from an overhead crane. They can be made in a variety of shapes, although most are tapered cones that add strength to the structure. During the steelmaking process, the ladle is subject to a variety of heat losses. These include radiation from the top surface of the molten steel, heating of the refractory lining, and thermal flux through the interface between working layer, permanent layer, and the ladle shell.

The optimization of the ladle temperature is an important step in the steelmaking process. It helps reduce the steel oxidation rate, improve the deoxidization efficiency, and increase the productivity of the continuous casting process. In addition, it can also help save energy and reduce the environmental impact of the process. This can be achieved by reducing the power consumption in the furnaces, and by saving fuel gas for heating the ladles between heats.

Optimization of the ladle pressure

The concentration of inclusions along the steelmaking process and their morphology and size can adversely affect in-use properties. In particular, non-metallic inclusions can act as privileged locations for crack propagation and damage. Inclusions can also be a source of microfractures in the final product. In order to optimize the steel cleanliness, it is important to know the concentration and composition of inclusions.

A new model has been developed to predict the concentration of bound oxygen in ladle samples and the composition of inclusion oxides (CaO, MgO and Al2O3) in the tundish. The model based on partial least squares is highly accurate, predicting O at the end of ladle treatment to an accuracy of 7 ppm and CaS content in the inclusions to an accuracy of 4 wt%.

The model was based on the assumption that the modification of CA into C12A7 inclusions depends on solute diffusion in the calcium aluminate layer. The parameters rCA, MCa and DAl are constants while the modification time is controlled by the interface between CA inclusions and molten steel.

Optimization of the tundish temperature

The tundish plays a critical role in the steelmaking process. It must be designed in a way that enables the flow of inclusions to the casting zone while preventing the emergence of excessive exogenous inclusions. This is achieved through a combination of physical modelling and numerical simulation techniques.

Several studies have been carried out on the behavior of molten steel in the original tundish and its influence on the inclusions removal process. The results showed that the metallurgical behavior of the original tundish depended on its design and the flow control devices used in it.

The flow pattern of the original tundish can be optimized by using a variety of devices, including turbulence inhibitors, impact pads, baffles, and weirs. These devices can be used to improve the consistency of the steel bath and minimize the temperature difference between different outlets. It is also possible to reduce the dead volume in the original tundish by increasing the flow rate.

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