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Calcium Silicon Aluminum Manganese Steel Alloy in Calcium Cored Wire

Our Calcium silicon aluminum manganese steel alloy in Calcium Cored Wire is ideal compound deoxidizer and desulfurizer to control the form of steel impurities, improve the quality of molten iron/steel, and increase element yield. It is also used to modify alumina inclusions in killed liquid aluminum steels.

The cored wire is vertically and stably inserted into molten iron or molten steel by a wire feeding machine. This avoids reaction between the added elements and air and slag, increases absorptivity of metallurgical additives.

Wire Feeding Method

Calcium silicon cored wire is a kind of special metallurgy alloy that has steel strip as outer and pure calcium as inner. It can be fed into molten steel by a professional cored wire machine. The process is easy and convenient, avoiding reaction with air and slag. It also increases the absorptivity of metallurgy additives and improves the quality of steelmaking and casting products.

It is widely used in iron and steel industry and foundry industry. It can greatly increase the alloy yield, reduce smelting cost and shorten smelting time and precisely control the composition. It can also purify the molten steel by changing the form of nonmetallic inclusions, improving the quality of molten steel and the casting state.

This type of deoxidizer is mainly used for rail steel, low carbon steel and stainless steel. It can also be used as warming agent in converter steel workshop and as inoculant in production of cast iron and additive in nodular cast iron production. The main advantage of calcium silicon alloy is that it can be added to molten steel easily, and its deoxidizing effect is strong. The slag is easy to discharge, and the deoxidation product is not contaminated by impurities during the process. The calcium treatment can improve the morphology of inclusions, and electromagnetic swirl stirring can push the inclusion away from the surface.

Addition Speed

The calcium deoxidizer is introduced to the steel melt in its stabilized forms such as calcium silicon aluminum (CaSiAl), calcium manganese silicon (CaMnSi) and calcium barium silicon (CaSiBa). It is impossible to add elemental Ca directly into liquid steel, unless done under special conditions of re-oxidation or direct smelting.

The silicon and calcium in the calcium silicon alloy have a great affinity for oxygen as well as sulfur, sulphur and nitrogen, making it an ideal compound deoxidizer and desulfurizer. It also has good floatability and discharge properties, making it easy to remove from the steel melt. The addition of calcium also improves the plasticity and impact toughness of the steel.

It can be added into molten iron and steel in various ways, the most effective being in the form of cored wire. It is vertically inserted into the molten iron or steel through professional wire feeder equipment to an ideal depth in the metal, so that it will be completely melted and able to play its role.

This is an efficient way of applying calcium to the steel because it allows for faster and more complete deoxidation, especially with high reactivity steels. It is particularly beneficial in the case of electric furnace steels, as the calcium treatment significantly reduces the tendency of the melt to develop alumina inclusions.

Reaction with Air and Slag

Calcium has an affinity for oxygen and sulphur. It is thus an ideal compound deoxidizer and desulphurizer. In addition, it is a high fluidity alloy which improves the fluidity of steel and can reduce refractory wear. It also floats easily, which makes it easy to discharge and reduces the need for protective slag blankets, inert gas or refractory shrouded nozzles.

Incorporation of calcium into liquid steel can be used to control inclusions in the process of BOS slag formation. It changes the composition and shape of the slag inclusions. As a result, it can prevent slag segregation and promote wetting into the parent metal. In addition, it can prevent slag oxidation and improve the quality of the slag.

Cored wire is widely used by manufacturers for deoxidation, desulfurization and removal of inclusions in the molten iron or steel. It is a vertical wire with a wire feeder that is inserted smoothly into the molten iron or steel. The added elements can be injected at an optimum depth in the molten iron or steel and are not exposed to air and slag, which increases element yield.

Compared to conventional ingots, cored wire is more economical because it can be fed into the molten steel at an optimum speed and enables rapid insertion of calcium and other alloy elements. It can help to improve the quality of smelting, shorten smelting time and lower energy consumption. It can also improve the casting state of the smelted product, and partially change the nature and shape of inclusions in the molten steel.


The morphology of the inclusions is modified by calcium treatment which changes their composition and size. The result is that the inclusions remain globular at the temperature of the liquid steel and maintain this shape throughout hot rolling operations, thus eliminating the formation of stringer or pancake inclusions. This leads to a better homogeneity of the material and increases the through thickness ductility of the final product.

In addition, the thermal insulation of the cored wire reduces the increase in temperature of the intermediate wall, which is especially important for low density metallic baths (for example molten iron or molten steel). As a consequence, the temperature of the metal ladle increases more slowly. This prevents flexion of the cored wire at the time of its introduction into the metal ladle and allows it to penetrate into this bath at an ideal depth, without being destroyed by melting.

Introducing cored wires smoothly into a metal bath allows the steel fabricator to carry out the following treatment operations:

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