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Calcium Treatment in Steelmaking

Calcium treatment is widely used in steelmaking to improve steel cleanliness, desulphurize and modify the shape of non-metallic inclusions. Inclusion morphology modification helps to increase toughness and ductility in rolling grade steels.

Specifically, Ca reduces the concentration of bound oxygen in inclusion oxides and changes their composition to lower the probability that they will clog continuous caster nozzles.

Effects of Calcium Additions

Calcium is added during steelmaking to reduce oxygen and sulphur contents in molten metal. It also helps to control the shape of remaining sulphide inclusions in a liquid steel. Elongated sulphide inclusions are a cause of anisotropy in toughness and ductility properties of the finished product. The addition of calcium changes the shape of the inclusions to a more flattened structure that reduces the influence of these sulphide inclusions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the steel.

In Al-killed tinplate steel, calcium treatment converts hard Al2O3 and SiO2 inclusions into molten Ca aluminates and calcioaluminosilicates. This change in inclusion morphology improves the hot workability of the steel by reducing tool wear. In addition, it prevents nozzle clogging in the continuous casting process.

The optimum amount of calcium that should be added during the calcium treatment is dependent on the temperature, sulfur and oxygen content of the molten metal. The critical calcium content that determines the "liquid zone" of inclusion modification is determined by industrial experiment and thermodynamic calculation.

CaSi Cored Wire Addition

AFFIVAL cored wires are the new generation of calcium additions, offering superior results with high accuracy and reliability. They are designed for optimum achievement of steel quality from tap to cast. They are made by crushing additive elements (de-oxidant, desulfurizer or alloys) into certain granulation and then tightly encasing them within a low carbon steel sheath.

The resulting CaSi alloy improves the size and shape of non-metallic inclusions (mainly oxides, sulfides and silicates) in liquid steel. This enables the elimination of sulfide stringers and reduces the directional anisotropy. The globularisation of alumina inclusions also improves fluidity, machinability and ductility.

This innovative method allows for precise additions to a steel melt without disturbing its thermodynamic properties, thus optimizing the process and saving production time. Furthermore, it ensures consistent sheath quality and lowers the risk of hydrogen contamination in molten steel. It can therefore be used for steel types that require strict oxygen and hydrogen content control.

CaSi Cored Wire Injection System

With the current concern on Automation, Cost and Consistency Cored wire system has emerged as a revolution in steel industry. It is an automated way of introducing pure metal calcium wire in sheath to the steel melt. This is an economical, efficient and safer alternative to conventional methods of metallurgical additions in the steel melting process.

Ca treatment improves cleanliness and desulphurization in the steel and reduces directional anisotropy. It also helps control shape, size and distribution of oxide and sulphide inclusions. The low S levels brought about by Ca treatment also improve corrosion resistance in specific media.

However, it is difficult to use elemental Ca in liquid steel because of its low solubility and high vapour pressure. Special techniques are required for its effective introduction and retention in the liquid steel. These include the use of cored wires and injection machines.

Artificial Neural Network

Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a computer simulation of the structures and operations of biological neurons. They are a form of data-driven models that can be used to perform complex analysis on huge datasets and make predictions.

Each node in an ANN takes the input data item, multiplies it by its associated weight, and sends the product along its outgoing connections to the next layer of neurons. In this way, the network creates a layer of nonlinear features that are combined in a final layer to produce a prediction.

During the training process, each time the ANN makes an error, its weight is sent backward through a process called “back propagation.” This allows the ANN to correct its outputs so that they more closely resemble what is actually happening. This is how the ANN learns to perform its task. This process is very efficient and requires minimal mathematical computation. It also eliminates the need for model calibration, expert knowledge, and complicated design.

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