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Deoxidation Effect of Calcium Cored Wire

The calcium cored wire is used for the deoxidation, desulfurization and inclusion modification of molten steel. It can effectively reduce the oxygen and sulfur content in molten steel, change the composition of oxide inclusions, avoid caster nozzle clogging of aluminum killed molten steel continuous casting and improve the mechanical properties of steel.

1. Reduce the pollution of molten steel.

The calcium cored wire is a new type of alloying addition used in the steelmaking process. It consists of a refractory gun powder and a pure calcium coating. The refractory gun powder is injected into the molten steel by the injection feeding technology. The cored wire can be used for the calcium treatment of aluminum killed molten steel, deoxidation and desulfurization of molten iron, as well as for casting.

According to the result of research, it can effectively reduce the pollution of molten steel and improve the quality of cast iron. It can also significantly reduce the consumption of calcium in tons of steel and save energy.

The molten steel with calcium cored wire can be refined more easily. It can modify the inclusions and change their size, distribution and morphology, and improve the metallurgical performance of molten steel. It can also increase the smelting yield and shorten the smelting time. It is also more conducive to the production of pure steel.

2. Increase the yield of ferroalloys.

In the steelmaking process, calcium is injected with core wire for deoxidation and desulfurization, as well as inclusion modification. The core wire allows the alloy deoxidizer to reach the upper and deeper position of the molten steel for reaction, which cannot be achieved with simple calcium iron powder injection.

Core wire can also reduce the consumption of metals, which saves the cost of refining. The solid pure calcium core wire has a higher specific density and lower specific surface area than conventional powder, which can reduce the contamination of molten steel by easily oxidizable elements in the core.

In addition, the feeding position of the core wire has an important effect on the calcium yield. The feeding point of the core wire should be as close to the center of the molten steel flow as possible to prevent it from being pulled out of the arc. This can increase the yield of molten steel. However, the optimum feeding speed must be determined on the basis of the actual steelmaking plant data.

3. Reduce the consumption of calcium in tons of steel.

Because metal calcium has a low density and low melting point, it is easily oxidized when being introduced into molten steel. The use of cored wire can greatly reduce the burning loss of calcium and help to prevent slag contamination.

The core of calcium cored wire is a steel strip wrapped with pure calcium metal powder. The core of the wire is sealed to ensure there is no air between it and the molten steel. This method can greatly reduce the consumption of calcium in tons of steel and improve the adding efficiency.

In addition, the solid core calcium wire has a hard line, which smoothes the feeding process and reduces the number of threading times and work intensity of workers. It also allows a smaller amount of core powder to be used, which can increase the yield of calcium and reduce the costs. Cored wire can be used for various purposes in molten steel refining, such as inclusion modification, deoxidation, and desulfurization.

4. Improve the mechanical properties of steel.

In the process of steelmaking, alloy cored wire can purify molten steel and change the shape of inclusions to improve castability. It can significantly reduce the consumption of calcium iron and slag, reduce the aluminum content and oxygen content of molten steel and improve the mechanical properties of the finished product.

The cored wire is made by wrapping a pure metal calcium strip with alloy powder through a professional cored wire machine. The resulting cored wire is then inserted into the molten steel by using a special core wire injection system. It can be fed into the depth of molten steel to prevent nozzle clogging and relieve the slag layer, which can help improve the deoxidation effect and finely adjust the composition.

The cored wire is widely used in the steelmaking industry, mainly for the purposes of De-oxidation, Desulfurization and Inclusion modification. It can improve the quality of molten steel and reduce the cost of the whole metallurgical process.

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