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Calcium Cored Wire in the Casting Industry

Calcium Cored Wire is widely used in the casting industry for steelmaking and iron casting. It can be divided into pure metal calcium cored wire and calcium silicon cored wire according to the alloy powders used.

The coil outer diameter indicates the size of the finished coil and depends on pallet size, means of transport (truck or container) and steel mills’ space to place coils. The specific filling weight reflects the powder weight of each coil.


In steelmaking process, oxygenation is very important to improve the fusion of elements in molten steel. This calcium silicon cored wire is widely used as composite deoxidizer and desulfurizer to improve the quality of steelmaking and casting products. It is made by pressing and stuffing a calcium silicon alloy powder into a cored wire with the help of professional cored wire equipment. This process helps prevent the leakage of the cored wire and ensures that the powder is evenly filled inside.

The mechanical feeding equipment is easy to operate and reliable. It requires little floor space and has many advantages compared to other deoxidizing agents. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly and reduces the consumption of refractory materials. It also allows for the fine-tuning of alloys, and it can change the shape of inclusions. This method is very useful for molten steel deoxidation, desulfurization, and inclusion modification. It can help achieve higher calcium yields in molten steel.


The calcium created by the chemical reaction also helps to dissolve inclusions in the molten steel and make them more easily separated from it by slag during oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace melting. This makes the casting process more efficient and economical.

The correct feeding position is essential for the maximum yield of the cored wire. The feed point must be close to the center of the molten steel flow. If the feed point is too far from this, the calcium is not able to reach the molten steel in time and floats away before it can be dissolved.

By using specialized equipment, the alloy powders can be stuffed into the steel strip more efficiently. This reduces the reaction of the cored wire with air and slag, increases absorptivity of metallurgy additives. The resulting coils are lighter than traditional ones and can be used in any fonderie already equipped with a cored wire injection machine.

Inclusion Modification

The core wire is made from a steel strip and stuffed with alloy powders. Its use in steelmaking enables the alloy to be put into the molten metal more efficiently, avoids reaction with air and slag, and increases absorptivity of metallurgy additives. It is also used to deoxidize and desulfurize the molten metal.

The kinetics of inclusion modification in high-carbon hard wire steels has been investigated. The morphologies and compositions of typical inclusions were observed and elemental mappings were calculated. The inclusions with a radius of 1 mm evolved from Al2O3 to CA6 in less than 1 s. The model calculation was close to the experimental results.

The modification time of the inclusions depends on their radii and activity differences. The process can be improved by argon blowing and stirring. The rate control link is solute diffusion in the calcium aluminate layer. The kinetic model can be simplified by using a formula where cAl,l1 represents the concentration of the interface between CA inclusion and molten steel, and cAl,l2 represents the concentration of the interface between C12A7 inclusion and molten steel.


A high calcium yield can be obtained by correctly adjusting the feeding position. This includes keeping the injected solid core calcium away from the argon blowing circle and selecting an appropriate feed speed. A higher feeding speed can cause a violent tumbling of the molten steel, while too low a feed speed will result in a lack of calcium absorption. The feed depth should also be properly selected. If the injected calcium is fed to too shallow a depth, it will not dissolve completely and will float up to the surface of the molten steel.

The metallurgists of the steel making industry use injection machines to place the cored wire into the liquid hot metal. This allows the cored wire to reach an ideal position in the molten steel and creates a physicochemical reaction. In addition, the cored wire helps improve the quality of the finished cast iron and steel products. It is used in desulfurization, deoxidation, alloying, and inclusion denaturation of the steel.

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