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Ferrosilicon Strontium Inoculant With Factory Price

A new inoculant based on quality ferro silicon and strontium is available for grey iron and ductile iron foundries. This highly effective inoculant reduces chilling tendency and improves graphite structure, machinability and nodule count.

This inoculant is available as a dense tablet or a granular powder. It can be used either before or during nodulizing treatment.

Superseed(r) Inoculant

Superseed(r) is a strontium moculant that works well with all clovers and alfalfa. It is available from reputable seed companies. When using inoculant, it is important to match the rhizobia to the legume. Clover and alfalfa inoculant products are sold separately, but some companies also mix the different rhizobia together and sell them as a single product for both clovers and alfalfa. This blend can have an inconsistent impact on nodulation and is not recommended.

ELKEM ASA produces a range of modifiers for grey iron and ductile iron production. SMZ inoculant is a modifier with balanced additives of calcium and aluminum, which contribute to the formation of graphite type “A”. The presence of zirconium in this modifier reduces the incidence of chilling defect, and its low calcium content means it can be used at lower pouring temperatures.

LINK can be mixed with raw or coated seed, and works equally as well with both types. It is best applied to the seeds in the seed box, but can be sprinkled onto the soil after planting.

IM SR Inoculant

IM 75-B is a high-silicon, calcium and strontium inoculant. This combination minimizes undercooling and promotes eutectic solidification with Type A graphite and pearlitic matrix. The alloy is also characterized by a low Aluminum content, which minimizes dross formation. This inoculant can be used in gray and ductile iron.

The century old practice of using rhizobia and other plant growth-promoting bacteria to enhance crop yields is now finding new venues in modern agriculture. However, the use of inoculants depends on the effectiveness of the microorganisms and proper application technology.

IM SR is produced in state-of-the-art submerged arc furnaces at one of the world’s newest ferrosilicon plants, completed in 1980. Its production is supported by an in depth quality program devoted to problem prevention. This unique combination of modern facility and quality attitude aims to provide products that consistently conform to customer requirements. The IM SR calculator allows producers to input information on their forage crop and feeding program to see how an inoculant can benefit their operation.

IM SR Plus Inoculant

IM 75-B is produced in state-of-the-art submerged arc furnaces at one of the most modern ferrosilicon plants in the world. The facility uses charcoal and iron ore in place of metallurgical coke and steel scrap to reduce harmful tramp elements, and is supported by an extensive quality program focused on problem prevention. During two day trials in special carbide-prone ductile iron, commercial foundries have reported dramatically lower chill depths and increased nucleation with IM 75-B when compared to regular Calcium bearing and high Aluminum European inoculants.

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