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High Quality Fesisr Inoculants for Casting Iron Silicon Calcium Alloys

Sphere-O-Dox G is a high performance inoculant that significantly reduces chill, carbides and nodule count. It also promotes fine, Type A flake graphite in gray irons and improves mechanical properties.

This patented technology dramatically reduces metal treatment costs compared to traditional ferrosilicon based inoculants. It is available as cast inserts or pressed briquettes.


Ferro silicon is a strong deoxidizer and alloying element for steelmaking. It has a high affinity with oxygen, which helps to reduce the oxidation rate during steelmaking and also improves the strength and hardness of the final product.

It is a good choice for the production of cast iron and graphite iron to promote the formation of fine Type A flake graphite. It can also be used as a desulfurizer and warming agent. It can be used in ladle inoculant, in-stream inoculant or as cast and sintered inoculants.

It is an excellent promotion elemtnt for large undercooling degree of castings, especially for water pressure resistance gray cast iron,because strontium can effectively reduce the eutectic group to avoid shrinkage defects of the cast. It can also be used as a nodularizer.


Carbon (element 6; symbol C) is a dark gray solid substance that has the highest melting point and boiling point of all the elements. It is found in nature as coal, charcoal, coke, and graphite, the material used to make pencil leads. The carbon allotropes are stable at normal temperature and pressure, but they are metamorphosed by high temperatures.

This type of inoculant is used to reduce white fracture tendency, improve graphite morphology and distribution, increase the number of eutectic cells, and refine the characteristics of the matrix structure. It is particularly suitable for thick-walled castings and ductile iron with low carbon content and large spheroidizing rate.

The calcium content and aluminum content in this type of inoculant are relatively low, which allows for a lower melting point of the liquid iron. This reduces oxidation during the casting process and improves the quality of the final product. This is especially important for gray cast iron with a low oxygen content.

Rare Earth Metal

For over 40 years gray and ductile iron inoculants containing rare earth metals such as bismuth, zirconium, strontium or calcium have been used. These inoculants, when blended properly with ferro-silicon, provide potent oxy-sulfide substrates upon which graphite nucleates more readily during solidification. This type of inoculant can also reduce shrinkage, eliminate carbides (when compared to conventional ferro-silicon based inoculants), improve nodule count and nodule shape as well as increase mechanical properties such as tensile strength and yield strength.

These inoculants are particularly effective when used with a low iron concentration and short solidification times such as those found in spheroidal cast irons. The inoculants can be added to the melt in a ladle or in-the-mold with a down sprue and gated into reaction test chambers where chill wedge samples, plate samples or cylindrical bar samples can be gated. The inoculants have been shown to produce very low levels of graphite particles exhibiting the lowest length, area and convex perimeters in comparison with un-inoculated samples.

Silicon Germanium

The chemical elements silicon and germanium have very different properties. Silicon is more abundant in the earth’s crust than germanium. It can also withstand high temperatures, unlike germanium.

In the steel industry, silicon calcium alloy is used as a deoxidizer in steelmaking. It has a strong affinity for oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen. It can be added to molten iron to replace pure aluminum, which can improve the utilization of deoxidizers. It can also resist pulverization and deliquescence, making it suitable for use in cast iron.

American Elements manufactures semiconductor-grade silicon-germanium alloys in varying ratios of germanium to silicon. These are available in granules, targets, wafers and substrates (polished or unpolished), pieces and other custom shapes. Contact us for pricing information based on your specific specifications. Strontium-bearing ferrosilicon performs better than all regular inoculating grades of silicon, especially in iron containing 0.06% sulfur. It can provide chill reduction with a lower amount of inoculant added, and it also helps reduce the tendency for cell refinement.

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