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Calcium Aluminate Refining Slag

Calcium Aluminate Refining Slag is used as an auxiliary material for steel making. It is mainly made of calcium aluminate and can reduce oxygen content in molten steel. There are several brands of this product, which can be purchased from various suppliers. Currently, most of our customers are from Iran, South Africa, Egypt, and other countries. Besides, the demand for this product is high. This product is a good cementitious material with low melting point. Therefore, it can be transported easily.

The composition of calcium aluminate slags is determined by the proportion of calcium and silica in bauxite. In a typical slag, the major phases are C12A7 and C2AS. Both of these phases have eutectic properties with other phases, such as CA and b-C2S. The ratio of CaO to SiO2 determines the viscosity of slag. However, CaO/SiO2 mass ratio varies greatly depending on the slag produced. Some slags have higher viscosity at elevated temperature, while others have low viscosity. Generally, slags with CaO/SiO2 mass ratio below three have higher viscosity than those with a CaO/SiO2 mass ratio above three.

Secondary aluminum dross (SAD) is a waste from the electrolytic aluminum industry. The main components of SAD are Al2O3, AlN, Na3AlF6, and fluorine. These elements can be oxidized easily in air. They are hazardous pollutants and should be treated carefully. For example, fluorine can be leached into water, which increases the risk of secondary pollution. Consequently, safe treatment of this material is important for economic and social benefits.

SAD particles are generally fine-grained and distributed in 10-20 mm. They have a complex microstructure with complex oxides and dispersed elements. Their physical structure and chemical properties have been studied in detail. X-ray elemental mappings of slags have been carried out. Several elements, such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, and titanium, were detected. Among them, vanadium is highly concentrated in the carbide phase.

When slags are cooled rapidly, the major phases of calcium aluminate slags can be identified. The most important phase of I-Slag is the CAS phase, while the secondary phase is the C2AS phase. Moreover, the major phases of B-Slag are aluminate, CaO, and calcium fluoride. Because of its rapid cooling, the calcium-aluminate rich slag is a good cementitious material for regulated set cement. Another characteristic of this slag is its quick-setting ability. Hence, it is suitable for steel making. Moreover, it can be used as a filler in roads.

In recent years, calcium aluminate slag has been widely used as an auxiliary material for steel making. Because of its advantages such as low melting point, strong deoxidation effect, and desulfurization ability, it is more and more used in the steel industry. Besides, its price is quite reasonable. Therefore, a large and stable demand exists. To meet the market demands, Zhengzhou Kerui (Group) Refractory Co., Ltd. manufactures and sells this slag. Currently, most of our customers are in Egypt, Iran, and Vietnam. If you want to know more about this product, you can contact us.

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