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White Fused Alumina Specs

Specifying white fused alumina can be challenging, because there are many things that must be taken into consideration. These include Friability, Chemical inertness, and High hardness. These are important to understand.

High hardness

Besides its high hardness, white fused alumina has other properties that make it an excellent choice for abrasive applications. These include its excellent thermal stability and acid and alkali resistance. Using the right combination of oxides is important for desired characteristics.

When used in abrasive applications, white fused alumina is also ideal because it exhibits superior electrical insulating properties. Furthermore, it has high corrosion resistance. This makes it an ideal material for many refractory and composite applications. It can also be used for ceramic electronic components and refractory bearing plates.

The mineral has a low bulk density and high melt point. The crystals are very small. The solidification process essentially fuses the crystals into larger pieces. This allows the pressure to be distributed over a wider area. This type of abrasive is best suited for surface treatments such as grinding, sandblasting, and polishing.

When abrasive tools are made with white fused alumina, they are suitable for precision grinding, sandblasting, and surface treatment after molding. They can also be used for surface preparation before brazing diamonds.


Among the many types of Aluminum Oxide, White Fused Alumina is the hardest material, second only to diamond. It is widely used in engineered refractories, ceramic shapes and blasting media. In addition, it is chemically stable and has excellent electrical insulating characteristics.

White Fused Alumina has a high purity, making it ideal for refractory applications. It is also a good choice for coating abrasives. It has a high melting point and is chemically stable. It is also an extremely friable material, which makes it useful in lapping and polishing. In addition, it can be used with metals such as aluminium and stainless steel.

During fusion, alumina undergoes zone refining. This process concentrates elements in the last portion of the alumina product to solidify. This reduces transition elements to a lower valence, which substantially eliminates chromatic discolorations. During the calcination process, atmospheric gases are removed, which helps to prevent gray-black discoloration.

It is possible to blend resin with calcined alumina in several ways. One of these is by adding less than 1% of fluoride salt. The other is by emulsifying the resin with the calcined alumina.

Chemical inertness

Activated alumina is a porous form of aluminum oxide that is chemically inert. It is used as a purifier in gasoline and petrochemical industries. It is also an abrasive, forming a hard, glassy surface that won't soften in water. It is a useful material for sandblasting media because it has good abrasion resistance.

Activated aluminas have high resistance to shock, high thermal conductivity, and moisture storage without altering their shape. Activated alumina can be used as a refractory material and is resistant to many aggressive chemicals. It is used in a variety of applications, including as a refractory lining for induction furnaces. It is abrasion resistant, and is used for machining, grinding, and cutting operations. It is also a very fine abrasive.

Alodur fused aluminas are well-suited for refractories, abrasives, and sandblasting. They are also used in ultralow-cement castable mixes. They have a network of metal and alloy compounds that interweave to provide improved mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. It has been shown to be a promising material for inert matrix fuel.

Common uses

Several common uses of White Fused Alumina are as surface treatment material, abrasives, coatings, refractories and a variety of other products. Alumina is a very pure substance with high refractory properties and it is very fire resistant. This makes it ideal for refractory applications. In addition, it can be used as abrasive material in metal and ceramic polishing. The hardness of White Fused Alumina is very high. It is also suitable for precision casting and spraying.

In the abrasives industry, alumina is the most commonly used simple oxide. It has a low melting point and it is chemically stable. It is also very strong and can resist vigorous chemical attacks. Its low porosity and low thermal shock resistance make it a very desirable material for use in refractories.

Alumina is widely used in metallurgy, in crucibles, tubes, ladle bricks, and refractory materials. Its properties include high strength, resistance to chemical corrosion, high thermal stability, and it is also impermeable to gases.

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