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The Brown Fused Alumina Manufacturing Process

During the brown fused alumina manufacturing process, the materials are melted in an electric arc furnace. It is then cooled and the ash from the furnace is poured into a container. It is then treated with a chemical to remove the silica fume. Then, the resulting product is purified. Various applications are possible from this material.

Aluminum ash

During the war, the demand for aluminum increased dramatically in the United States. To meet this demand, several institutions have undertaken research into practical commercial processes for recovering alumina from materials other than bauxite. The State Geological Survey of Kansas has been studying alternative ore sources for over a year. During this period, they have developed a new method for recovering high-grade alumina from industrial waste. This new process may open up unusual opportunities for alumina production in the state.

In the new process, impurities are removed from the aluminum ash by filtering and washing. Then, the alum is extracted from the clay using dilute sulphuric acid. Basic alum is then calcined into alumina and potassium sulphate. The potassium sulphate is then recycled to leach fresh ore.

Silica fume

During the manufacturing of brown fused alumina (BFA), fumed silica is captured from the furnace gas. The fume is a fine, odorless powder, which is characterized by amorphous silicon dioxide (As2O3) content. A BFA manufactured with fumed silica has the advantages of low porosity and oxidation resistance.

In order to investigate the impact of micronized andalusite on the antioxidation properties of castables, a study was carried out. The particles were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that micronized andalusite can significantly improve the castables' thermal shock resistance and the material's antioxidation efficiency. However, the influence of micronized andalusite on ASC's oxidation resistance was limited to five wt%.

The process of cement hydration was investigated by Chenxin Ni. The study found that the fineness of SF can be a critical factor for the hydration of cement. The coarse SF particles can reduce the rate of heat release and prolong the acceleration time.

Pouring electric arc furnace

Using an electric arc furnace, brown fused alumina is produced by smelting bauxite, which is a form of alumino-silicate mineral. It is a hard, abrasive material. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications. It can be used in sandblasting and refractories. It also has excellent thermal conductivity. It can be obtained in different shapes and grit sizes.

The alumina in this material is mainly composed of aluminum and oxygen. The size of the crystal may vary from 30 micrometers to 7 millimeters. It has a low coefficient of linear expansion. It is also highly resistant to corrosion. It is ideal for grinding, polishing, and lapping.

Brown fused alumina can be produced through three methods. The most common is smelting in a fixed furnace. In this process, high-purity raw materials are melted in an electric arc furnace at a high temperature. The material is then cooled down to solidify. It is then poured into molds.


During the manufacture of Brown Fused Alumina, a high-quality bauxite is melted in an electric arc furnace. After fusing, the resulting alumina is then refined by sieving equipment. This material is then packed in 10Kg standard bags.

Brown fused alumina is used in a variety of applications. It is a hard, tensile abrasive that is highly resistant to wear. It is also an excellent material for polishing and grinding. It is a popular abrasive for precision casting, waterjet cutting, and steel materials cutting.

Brown fused alumina is a durable abrasive. It is used in blasting, coated abrasives, sandpaper, and resin abrades. It has a good bulk density and toughness, and is suitable for both dry and wet blasting. It is a very hard material with a Mohs hardness of nine.


Known for its excellent thermal properties, brown fused alumina is highly utilized as a refractory and abrasive material in numerous industries. Its low iron content, excellent toughness, and high bulk density make it ideal for blasting. It is commonly used in refractory applications, including sandblasting, coatings, and grinding. The product is available in various sizes and grades.

Generally, the raw material used to produce brown fused alumina is calcined bauxite. The calcined bauxite is melted in an electric arc furnace. A fusion process is applied to remove impurities and make the product free of iron. The resultant product is a hard, angular material with low thermal expansion.

Brown fused alumina is produced from calcined bauxite and is primarily used in metal preparation, refractory and surface hardening. It is also utilized as abrasive and in precision molds.

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