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Green Petroleum Coke

Green petroleum coke has a variety of applications. It can be used as a fuel or as an anode. The process for its production is called metallurgical coking. It is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to coal. In addition to fuel, it is also used in manufacturing batteries and other energy-efficient components.

Needle coke

Green petroleum needle coke is a carbonaceous powder made from petroleum. It is produced by thermally treating graphitizable carbonaceous feedstocks. The process of coking involves soaking the feeds in high temperature until they become solid and insoluble. This carbonaceous powder is measured to contain 15.3% volatile matter.

Fuel grade petrolcoke

Fuel grade petrolcoke is an essential component for the production of lubricants and fuels. However, it is limited by environmental regulations and contains high levels of sulfur. This report aims to provide detailed information on the global petroleum coke market. It also identifies the major players operating in the market.

Argus publishes a calendar month index for fuel grade petrolcoke on the last publication day of each assessed calendar month. This index reflects market activity for the entire month. It is not meant to reflect the output of specific refineries, but rather, is a reliable indicator of the value of the commodity.

The chemical composition of fuel grade petrolcoke is similar to that of coal, and its use varies according to the application. Its trace metal content depends on the crude oil grade and is regularly measured depending on its intended uses. Its physical properties are also analyzed.

Anode-grade petrolcoke

Anode-grade petrolcoke is a low-sulfur by-product produced during the process of refining oil. With increasing reliance on shale oil, demand for anode-grade coke is in decline. Changes in oil refining technologies are also contributing to the decline in output. Although China is the world's largest producer of this by-product, demand is not enough to meet smelter needs until at least 2017.

The petroleum industry historically classified petroleum cokes according to their composition, namely anode, needle, and fuel grade cokes. However, the aluminum industry has used the term "anode grade coke" to describe a sponge-like structure with low sulfur and low vandium content. As a result, anode blends can contain a range of coke qualities. In addition, these blends have higher purity than fuel coke, thereby lowering the cost of anode-grade coke.

Anode-grade petcoke is used in steel and aluminum manufacturing processes. Its high caloric value makes it a valuable resource in these sectors. CW Research offers price assessments and market forecasts to identify future opportunities.

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