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Graphitized Petroleum Needle Coke in Germany

Graphitized petroleum needle coke is a product that is obtained by the process of graphitization. This process is commonly performed using direct-energizing electric furnaces and is one of the most efficient processes when it comes to production efficiency. The process involves rapid temperature increase, which leads to irreversible expansion of the electrode.

Graphitized petroleum needle coke

Graphitized petroleum needle coke is an important fuel additive, and its manufacturing is advancing worldwide. The production of this fuel requires raw oil and the appropriate conditions for production. The raw oil should be low-sulfur and have a minimum hydrocarbon content. Additionally, it should contain a minimum of 0.4% sulfur.

The European market is relying more on needle coke made from coal, while North American producers may see a competitive advantage by using oil. However, it is important to note that European producers are dependent on Chinese production facilities, where the authorities are cracking down on high-polluting industries. Furthermore, China's oil and coal prices are higher than in the United States, which may put the European market at a competitive disadvantage.

Another important factor is the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), which is a key indicator of the quality of needle coke. As polystyrene content increases, the CTE increases. At 300 degC, the CTE should be 5.732 x 10-6 degC-1. However, the temperature should be no higher than 480 degrees Celsius to preserve the regularity.

Methods of producing the coke

There are two methods of producing graphitized petroleum coke in the German oil and gas industry. One method uses delayed coking, while the other utilizes a continuous coking process. Delay coking is a method of upgrading heavy residuum through higher temperatures and more severe thermal treatment.

Both methods have some common characteristics. The main difference is in the degree of coking. The severity of coking determines the residual volatile matter content. It typically ranges between nine and fourteen percent. In terms of hardness, the GPCs vary in Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI). In addition, some independent calciners blend different quality GPC before shipping it.

The global market for graphitized petroleum coke has been buoyed by an increase in steel production. The increase in steel production is driven by the increasing demand for steel in the automobile, railways and highways. Graphitized petroleum coke is a feedstock for the iron and steel industry, where it is blended with coking coal during the coke making process. This results in an average reduction of one-sixth of the coking coal consumption worldwide and an overall reduction in energy intensity by over one percent.

Effects of catalysts on the ignition temperature of petroleum coke

In a recent study, we have investigated the effects of catalysts on the ignition temperature of petroleum shale coke in Germany. In this study, we used SEM-EDS to measure the atomic composition of catalyst particles and found that coke deposits were mostly concentrated on the surface of Al2O3 and Ni. However, we found that the coke deposit intensity was much lower at high temperatures compared to lower temperatures. The result suggests that the high content of coke on the surface of catalyst particles is related to the presence of heavier elements.

The results show that the catalytic activity of all catalysts can reduce the gasification temperature of petroleum coke by up to 170 degC. However, the best catalytic performance of NaAlO2 was observed, which improved the reactivity of the gasification process by 1.68 times and lowered the final gasification temperature by 170 degrees Celsius. The Fe3O4 catalyst was also able to significantly lower the gasification temperature.

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