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Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Carbide and the Effect of Phonon Scattering

Silicon carbide is a great candidate for thermal management in power applications. The material can achieve better thermal management than silicon. This article will discuss thermal conductivity in silicon carbide and the effect of phonon scattering. You will also learn about the different kinds of silicon carbide materials, including nanowires and membranes.

Coherent heat conduction regime

Coherent heat conduction is a phenomenon that suppresses the conduction of phonons in a solid. The reason for this is not completely understood. Several theories have been proposed, but none has been proven in the experiment so far. However, it is clear that coherent thermal conduction exists in some materials.

SiC phonon scattering

Thermal conductivity of SiC is a factor in the SiC phonon scattering. The increasing temperature causes more phonons to be emitted in out-of-plane directions. This increases the thermal conductivity. However, it also decreases the R. As a result, the MFP spectra become narrower.

SiC membrane

The thermal conductivity of silicon carbide membranes is determined by measuring their gas permeability. The permeability is calculated from Darcy's equation and is measured in m3/s and m2/s, respectively. The gas permeability can be further quantified as a function of the average pore size.

SiC nanowires

Thermal resistance of SiC nanowires is related to its diameter and lattice structure. This can be reduced through the addition of free surfaces and reduced phonon transport.


SiC-ZrN has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. It also has excellent chemical stability. Its properties make it a promising reinforcement material. The material is also highly resistant to molten iron corrosion. In a recent study, SiC-ZrN composites with high thermal and electrical conductivity were produced.


In this study, we investigate the thermal conductivity of a single crystalline SiC material and a SiC-TiN compound. The thermal conductivity of the single crystalline material was found to be 347 Wm -1 K-1, whereas that of the compound had a higher value, 490 Wm -1 K-1. We attribute this difference to phonon scattering by point defects.

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