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How to Measure the Young's Modulus of Silicon Carbide

Thermal conductivity

Silicon carbide, also known as carborundum, is an extremely hard, strong material that maintains its mechanical strength even at high temperatures. It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion and exhibits good thermal conductivity. It also has good corrosion resistance and high chemical inertia. These properties make it an ideal material for construction purposes. Its thermal conductivity also makes it useful in many industrial settings, such as chemical plants and pipe systems.

Young's modulus

Thermal Young's modulus measurements were carried out on three-dimensional (3C) crystalline silicon carbide. The values obtained from this study were in agreement with theoretical predictions. The Young's modulus of silicon carbide increases with increasing Si-C bond density.

X-ray diffraction

X-ray diffraction was used to measure Young's modulus of silicon carbide at ambient temperature. The data were projected onto five image plates, with each plate being filtered with a Cu (12.5-mm) or Al (50 to 75-mm) filter to reduce background satellite emissions and bremsstrahlung X-rays. In addition, black kapton filters were placed in front of the image plates to block optical light.

Process for producing a honeycomb structure

A honeycomb structure is a structure with an uneven thermal expansion. This allows the individual parts of the structure to display varying deformations based on their temperatures. These structures typically have a high cell density, and are often used as a catalyst carrier for internal combustion engines. The structure can also be used in fuel cell reformers and exhaust gas filters. Depending on the intended use, a honeycomb structure may be made of multiple layers of material.

Adding metallic silicon to silicon carbide

The study of hardening and bending behavior of silicon carbide reinforced by metallic silicon was carried out on two types of matrix materials. A metallic silicon-containing matrix was found to have increased stiffness and strength, while a 304L stainless steel matrix exhibited excessive brittle behavior. A good bond was achieved between the silicon carbide and the matrix.

Method for measuring a-SiC's Young's modulus

In order to measure the Young's modulus of a-SiC, it is first necessary to know its crystalline structure. Amorphization, or lack of crystal structure, can affect the material's mechanical properties. As the crystalline phase becomes more disordered, the Young's modulus of the material decreases linearly. The strength also undergoes a sudden decrease at slight degrees of chemical disorder. Eventually, the Young's modulus saturates, indicating the completion of the c-a transition.

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