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Calcium Metal For Sale

Calcium metal for sale is available in a variety of forms, including granules, powder, and shot. It is 99% pure and is suitable for various applications. Depending on the application, the metal can be used to clean steel, deoxidize lead alloys, or shape manganese sulfide inclusions.

Calcium metal is silvery in appearance and is soft at ordinary temperatures. It reacts with water at ambient conditions, but is not corrosive. It is one of the most commonly occurring alkaline earth elements. It can be easily machined or extruded. It is found in many mineral deposits, including limestone, gypsum, and fluorite. In the earth's crust, it is the fifth-most abundant element.


Calcium metal is a silver-white solid that has an atomic number of 20. It is an alkaline earth metal that reacts slowly with air, but more quickly with hot water. When it reacts with water, calcium produces pure hydrogen gas. Calcium is an essential element for strong bones and is also important in biochemical processes. It also helps regulate the function of muscles and nerves. It is also used as an alloying agent.

Calcium metal is most commonly used in steel making. This is because of its chemical affinity for sulfur and oxygen. When it is included in steel, it improves pouring and general mechanical properties. It is also used as an alloying agent for lead, copper, and magnesium.

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