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aluminium smelting process


Aluminium smelting is a process that uses bauxite, a natural mineral. The mineral is a combination of silica and iron oxides. These oxides combine with water in a reaction called aluminisation to form aluminium. In the process, the bauxite is first crushed and washed to reduce particle size and surface area. Then, it is pumped through filters to remove impurities. It is then cooled to approximately 650-700 degrees Celsius using heat exchangers.


Aluminium smelting is a complex process involving the separation of aluminium atoms from alumina. The process involves electricity, which is needed to split the alumina into its constituent elements. This reactivity gives the metal many unique properties. For example, it has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. It is also light in weight and strong enough for use in many transportation applications.

Hall-Heroult electrolysis process

The Hall-Heroult electrolysis process for aluminum smelting was first used in the mid-19th century. The process was improved in the late-1880s after large dynamos were developed. The process now had a significantly higher yield than the previous methods.

Air filtration

Air filtration is an important aspect of the aluminium smelting process. It is important for safety reasons, since a number of emissions and waste products are produced during the process. These include mineral impurities, gases and heavy smoke. If these byproducts are not removed from the air, they can contribute to health issues and result in heavy fines. Using air filtration in the smelting process can reduce these emissions and reduce pollution.

Energy consumption

In 2010, the world produced about 41.4 million tonnes of aluminium, which consumed 621 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy. This accounted for about 3% of the total electrical supply worldwide. China was the world's top producer of aluminium, using almost one-third of its electrical supply for aluminium extraction. In Europe and North America, hydropower supplied over seventy-five percent of the aluminium industry's energy needs.

Waste products

The aluminium smelting process produces various waste products, which can be recovered and used as inputs in the steel industry. One of these waste products is the spent pot lining. It is produced in large quantities and is an unavoidable part of the process. The waste products are generally ash-laden and contain between 40 and 80% of ash by weight. Depending on the smelting plant, this waste product is recycled externally or stored for further use.

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