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Calcined Petroleum Coke

The global calcined petroleum coke market is dominated by a number of large players from the oil & gas industry. These players are involved in various stages of the value chain, including production, supply/distribution and end-use industries. For instance, BP, Chevron Corporation and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. are the major players in the industry. These players are integrated along the entire value chain, including supply/distribution of calcined petcoke.

Needle Petroleum Coke

Calcined needle petroleum coke is a specialty grade of pet coke valued for its crystalline structure, which makes it an excellent material for electrode production. It is typically produced in a dedicated coker using low-sulfur FCC slurry as feedstock. The high aromatic content of this slurry causes needle coke to have these desired properties. Some refineries also have on-site needle cokers for this purpose.

High sulfur

During the production of petrochemicals, high-sulfur calcined petroleum coke is obtained without lowering the bulk density of the product. This process removes the sulfur from the coke by calcining it at a higher temperature. It is also possible to desulfurize the product with the help of steam. However, it is difficult to reduce the sulfur content of a petroleum coke in its raw state.


Low volatile content

Calcined petroleum coke is similar to coal and can be categorized by its ash content and its volatility. There are two types of petroleum coke: fuel grade and ultimate fuel grade. The latter is more appropriate for cofiring. In addition to petroleum coke, other pulverized fuels can also be used for generating electricity. Some are more efficient than others, but they all have their own benefits.

Sponge-like structure

The sponge-like structure of calcined petroleum coal is one of the most desirable for anode production. Its optical texture has a large range of domain sizes and a large proportion of open porosity, allowing pitch penetration during mixing and baking. In addition, sponge coke develops a mechanically strong interlocking structure. Shot coke, on the other hand, has characteristic spherical particle size and dense, isotropic texture. It typically contains higher amounts of sulfur and is typically derived from crudes with higher levels of resins, trace metal impurities, and asphaltenes.

Carbon dioxide emissions

Petcoke is a byproduct of the oil refining process. It is a black solid that is primarily composed of carbon but also contains non-volatile organic compounds, metals and other substances. However, unlike coal, petcoke is a carbon-based fuel and emits much higher levels of carbon dioxide. There are a variety of reasons for this increased CO2 output.

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